There are some interesting observations we've made on the industry and how it works over the years.
- Making the regulator's job easier, makes the client's job easier - in almost all cases. We do that.
- Sometimes, engaging with Academic Institutions, opens doors to non-obvious, cost effective solutions. We do that.
- Keeping an eye out to the long-term disposition of the site, keeps you from spending money that doesn't reduce the contamination footprint. Reduction in a zone of contamination from 100 times appropriate guidelines to 20 times those guidelines, and then stops - doesn't reduce the liability. We don't do that.
If you just want to have someone take the Hassle out of compliance work or regulatory problems, we're interested in that, so don't think it's a Hassle. One person's Hassle, is another person's Interest. That translates into fast, efficient, turnaround of the work in question. And yes, we do actually like that stuff - we're like that.
We don't expect Enviro-Verse to be implementing the strategies we recommend, so are free to concentrate on what technology or strategy is best for the client. We know and understand the wide menu of options available, and can recommend from that menu, without self interest, or self dealing.
The client's best interest, is our best interest - always. We are happy to engage in preliminary engineering work, or scoping studies for projects, but there are people better suited to execute those plans than us...and we know who they are.